KEGS newsletter

Volume 27, Issue 7

Prez Says for July 2023

July Fourth is the great American holiday with flags waving, patriotic

music, picnics with hot dogs and potato salad, and fireworks.  I hope

you and your family have a wonderful celebration.

Because July Fourth this year is the first Tuesday of the month and the

North Bellevue Community Center is closed, there will not be a Tech

Corner or General Meeting this month.

Our Auction on June 6th was back after four years and was very

successful.   We enjoyed the spirited bidding.  Thank you to the

generous donors, those who stored donated items, those who helped

organize the donations, those who helped with the setup at the Center,

those who bid, those who took items up to the Auctioneers, the

Auctioneers, those who collected KEGaBuck$, those who helped clean

up, and those who shared with other attendees. 

I encourage everyone to attend our in-person meetings as sundown is

later now and everyone will have lots of time to drive home in daylight.

If you want to learn more about Linux, visit Steve Herber at our Linux Special Interest Group hybrid meeting (in-person and on Zoom) starting at 6:30 PM on July 11th.

Don't forget to drop in on Sally Ann at our Zoom Digital Imaging Special Interest Group Meeting at 7:00 PM on July 25th. July's Theme is Celebrations and of course includes fireworks.

To keep up with technology, visit to learn about their Monday morning meetings (9:00 AM PT), their Newsletter, and their Facebook page.

I hope to see you at a meeting soon.

gerald smith sig block

KEGS Officers, Board Members & Administrators

The Komputer Enthusiasts of Greater Seattle (KEGS) ~ PO Box 171 ~ Bellevue, WA 98009-0171 ~

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