KEGS newsletter

Volume 28, Issue 1

Prez Says for January, 2024

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are gone. It is time for post Xmas sales, colder weather, and maybe snow.  I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful start for the new year.

On January 2nd at 7:00 PM at the North Bellevue Community Center and on Zoom, our General Meeting program will be "Safety Tips" presented by Lt. Lopez.  This presentation is applicable for all ages as violent crime occurs every 24.6 seconds.  You will learn why you should have a plan, what plan you should have, and the tools to carry out that plan; how to avoid becoming a financial victim; the most common human response to violent crime; and it will answer questions like which purse to carry, which purse NOT TO EVER CARRY, how men should carry wallets, and why parking lots are so dangerous.  You will know which method is the safest, and why you should always get a shopping cart and never push it through the checkout line!  This presentation should provide some thought-provoking topics for discussion. Please join us for this informative meeting.

Do you have questions about one of your computer devices or software? Join Leader Andy Peck at 6:00 PM on January 2nd for our Technology Corner, a hybrid meeting.

If you want to learn more about Linux, visit Steve Herber at our Linux Special Interest Group hybrid meeting starting at 6:30 PM on January 9th.  The Linux Group also has a build-your-own server project Zoom meeting at 6:30 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

You are invited to attend the Digital Imaging Special Interest Group Meeting via Zoom with Sally Ann at 7:00 PM on Tuesday evening, January 23rd.  January’s theme is Holidays.

To keep up with technology, visit  to learn about their Monday morning meetings (9:00 AM PT), their Newsletter, and their Facebook page.

Be sure to download all security updates on all of your devices. How old is your router? Is it time for an upgrade?

We welcome visitors!  Plan to attend an in-person meeting.  I look forward to seeing you soon.

gerald smith sig block