
KEGS newsletter

Volume 29, Issue 3

Prez Says for March 2025

Even if March comes in like a lion, KEGS continues smooth sailing!  Welcome to March, the month of St. Patrick’s Day.  Do you plan to wear green on the 17th?

On March 4th, we will have our Tech Corner and General Meeting via Zoom only.   Our General Meeting program will be "More About Artificial Intelligence (AI)" presented by Ron Brown.

Do you have questions about one of your computer devices or software? Join us via Zoom at 6:00 PM on March 4th for our Technology Corner led by Andy Peck.  March’s topics are "Fun w/Google Earth, Death by PowerPoint, Chatbots Cheating, AI issues, etc."

If you want to learn more about Linux, visit Steve Herber at our Linux Special Interest Group hybrid meeting (in-person and Zoom combined) starting at 6:30 PM on March 11th.  Bring your Linux laptop to the Linux SIG.   The Linux Group also has a build-your-own server project Zoom meeting at 7:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of March.

The Digital Imaging SIG will meet via Zoom on March 25th.  Join Sally Ann for an interesting meeting.

To keep up with technology, visit  to learn about their Monday morning meetings (9:00 AM PT), their Newsletter, and their Facebook page.

Be sure to download all security updates on all of your devices.

Please consider joining us via Zoom for our March meeting.

Don’t worry if your 2025 dues check has not been cashed yet nor your 2025 membership received.  We

are running late, but you are still a valued member.

We welcome visitors!  Please encourage your friends to join KEGS, the Linux SIG, or the Digital imaging SIG.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

gerald smith sig block